In comparison, the GLTF file requires external processing file formats, such other formats such as textures, shaders and animation data. The GLB locates all of the elements part of a 3D scene, including materials, node hierarchy and cameras, in one single compressed file. The difference is that the GLB format is a binary file format while the GLTF format is based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). The GLB format is a version of the GLTF file. There is a significant difference between what are a GLB and GLTF. What is the difference between the GLB and GLTF file?

With Visao‘s web platform, you can create an online 3D viewer from a single file, allowing you to showcase your products in a new and interactive way for interactive websites. Overall, the GLB file format offers a versatile and efficient solution for 3D content delivery and display. GLB files are also easy to share via email or other file-sharing platforms.

This format is commonly used for mobile and web applications, as well as graphical games, video games, VR and ar applications, due to its lightweight nature.

The GLB file format is a relatively new format, introduced in 2015 as a binary format for representing GLTF files (.gltf), as opposed to the JSON format. This is why it is also known as the JPEG (image file format) of the 3D asset world. When you open a glb file format, you are able to visualize and interact with a complete 3D scene. Precisely, it can contain information about 3D models, scenes, models, lighting, materials, node hierarchy and animations. A GLB file (.glb), which stands for “GL Transmission Format Binary file”, is a standardized file format used to share 3D data.